PLAYlab – Open Call 2025

What is PLAYlab?


PLAYlab is a developmental platform at Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, targeting artists or collectives interested in Theatre for Young Audiences (TYA) for children twelve years old and under.


PLAYlab aims to provide opportunities and support for research and development in the creation of new ideas for TYA productions. These ideas can take the form of performances, workshops, or other forms of activities. We are excited about new ideas and ways to interact and engage with young audiences through the performing arts, and we hope to enable artists seeking to develop their professional practice in the field of TYA. If you have a new idea for young audiences that you would like to explore, we encourage you to apply.


Selected groups or individuals will receive an honorarium to develop and bring their idea (or an excerpt of it) to life, under the guidance of PLAYlab Artistic Associate, Ellison Tan Yuyang. This will be presented as a 15-minute work-in-progress showcase to a live audience during Esplanade’s children’s festival, March On, where artists can receive feedback on their work from the audience. These ideas may also have the potential to be further developed for Esplanade’s various platforms.


Selection Criteria

Proposals will be selected based on the following:

  • Artistic quality and level of innovation (50%)

  • Suitability for young audiences (25%)

  • Potential for capability development (25%)


You may refer to our PLAYlab 2025 Call for Submissions document for a better understanding of our selection criteria.

We would like to invite artists to submit their ideas for exploration by 24 Nov 2024, Sun, 2359hrs.

Please include a short write-up of your idea for exploration, along with any supporting documentation (e.g., an excerpt of a script or a short video of a scene).

An online sharing and Q&A session about PLAYlab will be held on 1 Nov 2024, at 3pm. If you would like to attend the session, please register here.

PLAYlab welcomes applications from a diverse range of individuals and groups, including, but not limited to artists, creators, collectives, educators, and other innovators in the performing arts. Anyone with a clear artistic vision and a desire to explore new ideas in TYA is encouraged to apply.

PLAYlab prioritises original works; however, previously presented ideas may still be considered if they demonstrate clear potential for further development. Please articulate why the idea is suitable for a developmental platform like PLAYlab and how it will evolve. Emphasis should be placed on the innovations or new directions that will be explored and how this iteration will differ from previous versions.


Do ensure that you have full, written permissions from the original rights holders, including any artists, designers, organisations, or producers involved.

Up to five proposals will receive the following support to develop their PLAYlab idea:

  1. Up to a maximum of SGD 3,000 inclusive of honorariums and production costs, which also includes expenses related to securing your own rehearsal/meeting venues and other preparatory costs such as transport, props, stationery, etc.


  3. PLAYlab Artistic Associate: Selected participants will work closely with our PLAYlab Artistic Associate, Ellison Tan Yuyang, to develop their work. They will receive support and guidance on their projects in preparation for their public work-in-progress presentation.


  5. Idea Presentation Platform: Ideas will be presented at Esplanade as part of March On 2025 for critical feedback from audiences, including practitioners, educators, caregivers, children and producers.


    • Each group will be required to present a 15-minute excerpt of their idea to a live audience as part of March On

    • The presentation can take the form of e.g., a lecture-performance, demonstration, workshop or any other presentation formats that best befit the proposal’s objectives as part of its explorations at PLAYlab.

    • Each presentation will be accompanied by a question-and-answer session with the attending audiences.

    • We will also organise a sharing session for each group to share their process and insights with fellow selected applicants and other interested practitioners and stakeholders as part of the final debrief and feedback process.

We will accept applications until 24 Nov 2024, Sun, 2359hrs. Shortlisted applicants will be invited to attend an online live pitch session with the PLAYlab programming team and Ellison Tan during the month of Dec 2024.


Selected applicants will be notified via email by 27 Dec 2024, Fri.


The main working period for PLAYlab will fall between Jan to Mar 2025, with a final debrief/sharing session in Apr 2024.

Yes! An online sharing and Q&A session about PLAYlab will be held on 1 Nov 2024, at 3pm. If you would like to attend, please register here. Alternatively, you may also email us at and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have.

1 Nov 2024

PLAYlab 2025 sharing and Q&A

Online sharing for potential applicants to find out more.


24 Nov 2024

Deadline for submission for PLAYlab 2025

Applicants will be assessed according to the criteria attached in Annex 1 and may be invited for an online/in-person pitch session with the PLAYlab programming team and Ellison Tan.


27 Dec 2024

Notification of selected proposals

All applicants will be notified via email.


28 Dec – 31 Jan 2025

Workshop and devising

Selected applicants begin work. Teams will meet with PLAYlab Artistic Associate, Ellison Tan for up to 2 hours of consultation.

Submission of report 1


20 Feb 2025

Mid-progress showcase

Teams come together to present their work to one another and receive feedback.

Submission of report 2


March 2025

Setup and work-in-progress presentations as part of March On 2025

Groups will present a 15-minute excerpt of their ideas to a live audience as part of March On.

Each presentation will be accompanied by a question-and-answer session with the attending audiences.


April 2025

Presentation and discussion by groups on their process and insights.

Debrief with peer mentor-facilitator and submission of report 3 to the Esplanade team. Groups will share their process and insights for the benefit of other practitioners and for sharing of best practices.


Includes the following deliverables:

  • Rehearsal reports

  • Photos and videos

  • Process documentation

  • Script, score, physical choreography documentation

  • Reflections, writings and research sources

  • Collation of feedback from work-in-progress showcase

  • Future plans


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