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Esplanade Presents
10 Nov 2024, Sun, 7.45pm & 9pm
(Intermission: None)
DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade
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Crayon.MiX returns with another live session series featuring anime songs and original soundtracks from Japanese dramas. This time, they are taking the performance outdoors on a larger scale, showcasing an exciting mix of fresh and nostalgic tunes from artists like Kenshi Yonezu, Yorushika, MISIA, and Masatoshi Ono.
Crayon.MiX originated from a group of music enthusiasts passionate about Japanese music and pop culture. Their initial enthusiasm evolved into conversations that led to their first full-scale public event in 2023, where the band performed popular J-pop covers from the ‘80s to today. The name, Crayon.MiX, encapsulates joy and vibrancy, emphasising the pursuit of passions and the embrace of diversity. It reflects how music transcends language and cultural barriers, resonating with the hearts of music lovers.
10 Nov 2024, Sun
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