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Esplanade Presents
22 Dec 2024, Sun, 6.45pm & 7.45pm
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Concourse
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Novo Winds’ very own pop band, The Novos, will be presenting your favourite holiday classics with a jazzy twist. So come and cozy up with your loved ones and let Novo Winds take you to a glamorous winter wonderland!
Novo Winds: The Novos
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Formed in 2010, Novo Winds is a non-profit community band under the auspices of Toa Payoh South Community Club that is dedicated to promoting musical development in its members. Novo means “anew, afresh and from the beginning” in Latin and serves as the band’s guiding principle as they incorporate new performance concepts and musical directions in order to reach out to a wider audience.
22 Dec 2024, Sun
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