Esplanade Presents




24 Mar 2023, Fri, 7pm & 8pm


(Intermission: None)

Esplanade Concourse

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A myriad of spoken word artists come together to explore what is and what is not in a blurry grey area of uncharted and unspoken paths.

No tickets will be issued. Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Language: English
Things to Note:
Accessibility: All our venues are wheelchair-accessible. We offer various services to support patrons with access needs. For assistance, please contact Esplanade Customer Experience at 6828 8377. To learn more, read our accessibility guide.
Artist Information

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Cara Ow


Cara is a Gemini Sun, Moon and Scorpio Rising. They are a lesser trilingual who mainly writes in English, currently interested in ideas of miscommunication and connection. Some of Cara’s works can be found in BooksActually’s My Lot is A Sky, Eggbox Publishing’s Undertone and Underline and Exactly Foundation’s Entau Tak Tahu, among others. Most recently, reclamation, their poem published in The Tiger Moth Review, was awarded second place in the 2021 Hawker Prize for Southeast Asian Poetry.



Kansh is an alchemising shapeshifter. They are a multi-disciplinary artist whose goal is to be a renaissance man, though a non-binary and Southeast Asian equivalent of that. Creating is their form of catharsis, expression and a process of decolonising. Their works are their own cosmic daydream through experimentations with different artforms. 

Stephanie Dogfoot


Stephanie Dogfoot is a spoken word poet and multi-disciplinary performer. She is the author of the poetry collection Roadkill for Beginners published under Math Paper Press in 2019 and a co-editor of EXHALE: An Anthology of Queer Singapore Voices published under Math Paper Press in 2021. She is also the founder of a monthly poetry open mic called Spoke & Bird. She can be found on Instagram and Twitter at @stephdogfoot.  

Date & Time

24 Mar 2023, Fri


Esplanade Concourse


Esplanade Concourse

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