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Esplanade Presents
8 Mar 2025, Sat, 11am & 1pm
(Intermission: None)
Esplanade Concourse
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Handbells are rarely heard in Singapore, and in fact, across Asia.
Experience the sounds of the 400-year-old art form of traditional English handbells through today’s familiar favourite tunes, including music from Singapore and Japan as well as Disney tunes.
Don’t miss a chance to ring along with the Ministry of Bellz!
Ministry of Bellz
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The award-winning Ministry of Bellz (MOB) was established in June 2007, with the main objective of creating an active state handbell ensemble for current and former school ringers, allowing them to continue their passion in the art of handbell ringing, and to promote the 400-year-old art of English handbell ringing to the people in Singapore.
As our nation’s premier and independent handbell ensemble, MOB works very closely with mainstream and SPED schools, as well as VWOs and the community to realise their mission. Over the past 18 years, MOB has performed at more than 400 shows, including performances in countries such as Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan, UK, USA, New Zealand, Thailand, Taiwan, South Korea, and Canada.
8 Mar 2025, Sat
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