A group of shipwrecked children embark on a daring quest to reverse a malevolent curse that has transformed parents and other adults into strange animal hybrids. Guided by the enigmatic sorcerer Prospero, they must gather two extraordinary ingredients from an enchanted, mysterious island to brew a potion of transformation. The fate of the adults now rests in their hands.
Caliban’s Island is an interactive play where audiences play characters and advance the story by making challenging choices and completing quests around Esplanade. Inspired by The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Caliban’s Island tells a powerful tale of redemption, sacrifice and the enduring bond between children and their caregivers.
What kind of game is Caliban's Island?
Caliban's Island is a fantasy roleplaying game set in William Shakespeare's Tempest recommended for children 7 and up.
Players embark on a guided adventure that blends promenade theatre (where audiences move around to follow the performers around the space) with roleplaying gameplay as they travel around the Esplanade to complete missions and quests.
What can my child and I expect in the show?
Everyday roles are reversed in Caliban's Island, as children play protectors and guardians of parents and/or caregivers who have been transformed into cute fuzzy animals. Expect to encounter and roleplay with whimsical characters and go wild with quests that explore the prospect of life without parental supervision.
Children will enjoy many game challenges blended seamlessly into the drama and play a pivotal role in resolving the story as one community.
Very young children may find Duke Prospero's language challenging to follow. While the Shakespearean character does not speak Elizabethan Old English, his speech reflects the proud character's courtly and learned background.
This is my first time roleplaying. What will happen if I am too shy?
As part of the Caliban’s Island experience, we conduct a pre-game drama workshop to help participants warm up, feel more comfortable expressing themselves and play with new friends. Players also learn safety rules and how to ask for help. If your child needs more time to adjust, they can choose to watch on the side without interacting with a performer.
Is Caliban's Island a scary game?
Like Disney classics such as Lion King and Beauty and the Beast, Caliban's Island has dark moments and humourous scenes. Players can step away and watch if a scene becomes too intense instead of participating.
What happens if I am late for the show?
Arrive early or on time! Missing the pre-game safety briefing means missing out on the adventure, as it's required for participation.
Is there a dress code?
No, you don't need costumes to play Caliban's Island, but if you want to dress up, it's a great way to get into the spirit of the game. As a fun tip, parents and children may dress up as pirates and sailors!
Wear comfortable shoes and clothing as you walk around and participate in physical activities.
Please note that you may dirty your clothes so do not wear expensive clothing and bring an extra set to change into after the show if you prefer.
Can adults play in Caliban’s Island?
Adults are welcome to join the fun and participate in the adventure but may not speak normally if they are still in animal form, and priority will be given to children to respond to performers and share their ideas. After all, it's all about empowering young minds!
My child needs a wheelchair or has sensory processing issues. Will he/she be able to attend the show still?
Please email us at family@esplanade.com so we can give you a more accurate response after understanding your child's needs better.