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Esplanade Presents
13 Oct 2024, Sun, 6.30pm
(Intermission: None)
Arena (DBS Foundation Outdoor Theatre at Esplanade)
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Mèow Lạc is an alternative rock band hailing from Hanoi, Vietnam. Originating from the daydreaming remnants of the singer-songwriter movement, the band’s unique sound is a result of combining disparate musical influences, including metal, progressive rock, and electronic rock, with a drive to make pop music. Despite the hyperactivity over different genres, their sound is undoubtedly captivating. The band’s current lineup includes Nguyen Le on vocals and guitar, To Ra Drums on drums, and Hoang Phuong on keyboard.
Thus far, the band has released two EPs and two albums. In 2023 alone, they released the EP Lạc-Core and album Sugar Rush, which defines their cohesiveness and maturity. Having been featured in almost every rock/indie festival in Vietnam, the band is slowly working to have its music reach markets beyond their home country.
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13 Oct 2024, Sun
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