Embark on an extraordinary adventure with “The Monkey King”, a legendary opera from the East. This large-scale production, co-produced by Trend Education Foundation and Taiwan College of Performing Arts, brings together the timeless beauty of authentic Chinese opera and the innovation of modern theater set designs. Prepare to be mesmerized by the show featuring exceptionally skilled actors from Taiwan, showcasing their remarkable kung-fu stunts and delightful humour. The key role of Sun Wukong will be played by three brilliant martial actors: CHU Lu-Hao, HSU Ting-Fang, and CHIN Lang. Each of them will take their turns to breathe life into the ancient role.
Possessing formidable powers, Sun Wukong is invincible with his Ruyi Jingu Bang - a magical staff, and Cloud Somersault - allowing him to travel great distances in a single leap. The opera is based on his story in the beginning chapters of the classic Chinese novel, “Journey to the West”, before he even embarked on his extraordinary journey to the West. Fearless and mischievous, follow the tale of Sun Wukong as he unleashes havoc in the Heavenly Court.
Gear up for an electrifying and unforgettable musical experience that transcends age barriers! This sensational show promises to sweep audiences off their feet with a magical blend of culture, theater, and uproarious humour. Captivating audiences in Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taichung since 2021, this spectacular production is now set to land on the shores of Singapore in early November 2023.
Don't miss this sensational show that brings to life the magic and legend of Sun Wukong with a modern twist!
Trend Micro Singapore proudly takes the stage as the host and presenter of the The Monkey King’s Singapore tour.
Lead Actors
Monkey King by Chu, Lu-Hao / Hsu, Ting-Fang / Chin, Lang
Lord Dragon, Lord Li Jing, by Wu, Jen-Chieh
Li Chang-geng by Chang, De-Tian
The Lord of horses, God of Giant Spirit by Su, Chien-Yu
Supporting Actors
Chen, Yu-Bai / Liao, Liang-Cih / Lu, Chia-Nan / jiang, Fu-Yu / Zhang, Ting-Yu / Lo, Da Jing / Zhang, Zhi-Ping / Cao, Xling-Ting / Chiu, Wen-Yen / Lai, Wei-Chi / Yang, Bi-He / Chen, Guan-Cheng / Wang, Kuan-Ting / Lian, Zhe-Ying / Yu, Ming-Hsien / Zheng, Wei-Fan / Chen, Kuan-Chun / Mao, Yan-Nian / Chen, Bo-Sen / Wei, Po-Cheng / Yeh, Shih-Ming / Chang, Shou-Chieh Jhou, Bin / Pan, Shih-Chung / Wang, Kuan-Ting
Production Artists
Co-producer Jenny Chang、 LI Yang Director LIU Tung-Kuei Art Director CHU Lu-Hao Visual Designer WANG Yi-Sheng Lighting Designer TENG Cheng-Wei Stage Designer LIN Shih-Lun Stage Manager HUANG Kuo-Feng Music Director LIAO Jin-Lin Percussions Director KAO Ting-Tong
Host: Trend Micro Singapore
Co-producer: Trend Education Foundation, National Taiwan College of Performing Arts