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Esplanade Presents
13 May – 4 Sep 2022
Jendela (Visual Arts Space)
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This event is over.
Over the centuries, Southeast Asia has been a nexus of a global exchange of ideas, people and objects. Spanning multiple geographies and networks, the research projects in this exhibition examine various chapters and figures in the histories of Singapore and the region, proposing alternative approaches to understanding these historical accounts. Chu Hao Pei, Debbie Ding and Marvin Tang excavate often overlooked stories, archival material and cumulative records to investigate how narratives about these figures and episodes are constructed. The works in Evolving Currents are new iterations of long-term research projects developed by the artists. By adopting speculative or interrogative approaches to reading these accounts, the works suggest that interpretations of history constantly evolve in response to shifts in socio-political landscapes. The works invite us to evaluate the significance of these chapters in history and the impact they continue to have on our present-day lived realities.
All patrons (except for children aged 12 and below) need to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. Mask-wearing is required for all indoor events. Patrons are also required to do SafeEntry check-in at the venue via the TraceTogether app or token.
13 May – 4 Sep 2022
From 13 May, 11am
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