Created by students and recent graduates of Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Film & Media Studies, this showcase features films that explore human relationships and daily life, alongside quirky new imaginings and fantastical new worlds.
6.45pm - 7.15pm
How do we define family? What are the building blocks of human relationships? Explore themes of relationships, sacrifice and parenthood.
Pong (2022)
Director: Prashan s/o Elanjelian
Producer: Chua Anbel
Language: English, Mandarin
Subtitles: English
Film Rating: PG
Mahjong is not just a game for gamblers—Pong shows how this classic game helps to create a bond between an isolated elderly person and a youth volunteer during the dreadful days of COVID lockdown.
From +65, With Love (2022)
Director: Xie Quang Long
Writer: Yang Xin Yi
Producer: Avril Ang
Language: English, Tagalog
Subtitles: English
Film Rating: PG
In search of a better tomorrow, a single mother leaves her family behind to serve as a maid in a distant land.
Red Thread 红线 (2022)
Director: Lynn Sim
Writers: Deyan Lo, Lynn Sim
Producer: Yu Xin Xing
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Chinese
Film Rating: PG
Red Thread is a cathartic documentary exploring the aftermath of vulnerability between an adoptive mother and son, painting an emotionally complex portrait of sacrifices and secrets.
7.45pm - 8.15pm
Wacky, fantastical and sometimes odd, these two films will take you on adventures into new worlds.
Pete & Dave To The Rescue (2022)
Directors: Teng Wei Heng Mario, Tan En Dian
Writer: Teng Wei Heng Mario
Producer: Tan En Dian
Lead Animators: Tan En Dian, Schyler Tan Jun Kai
Language: English
Subtitles: English
Film Rating: PG
In a galaxy far, far away, a village idiot and his reluctant buddy embark on a foolhardy quest to rescue a workplace crush before she falls into enemy hands.
My Human (2022)
Director: Vegas Lee
Writer: Rachelle Lee
Producer: Grace Eu
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English
Film Rating: PG
A fan ruminates on its existence in the room of a man who collects sounds from objects in this idiosyncratic film.