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Esplanade Presents
28 Oct 2022, Fri, 11.10pm
(Intermission: None)
Arena (Esplanade Outdoor Theatre) & Online
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Bakers In Space is an indie rock band from Singapore formed in 2013. Through their love for a plethora of genres such as indie rock, punk, and post-rock; the bands’ compositions comprises a mixture of thick distorted guitars, layered upon hard hitting drums, alongside euphonious vocals from frontman Eugene Soh. Their latest release MAGMA is a darker themed EP featuring heavy hitting rhythms, paired with biting guitar lines, a departure from their previous releases. Lyrically, the five-track album focuses on rebuilding oneself in the mind and letting go of doubt and fear that one might feel towards self-esteem and relationships.
28 Oct 2022, Fri
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