Year in Review: Supporting Artists and Championing Artistic Creation
Playing a leading role in the arts and culture sector, Esplanade supports artists, develops capabilities and creates new works.
year in review supporting

Two Seasons of The Studios

Digital treasures and a new site-specific experience in the Theatre

year in review supporting


A new developmental platform targeted at budding artists interested in Theatre for Young Audiences

year in review supporting

Digital Editions of Baybeats

Two power-packed digital editions plus an annual mentorship programme for youth

year in review supporting

Engaging Our Communities through Digital Offerings

Pesta Raya – Malay Festival of Arts and Kalaa Utsavam – Indian Festival of Arts offer a full menu of digital programmes

year in review supporting

First Fully 'Hybrid' Festival

Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts showcases a hybrid of live and digital programmes

year in review supporting

Collaborating with SSO

Releasing Singapore classical composers’ works from the archives

year in review supporting

Launching New Digital Content

A podcast series featuring artists and reimagining Singapore literature through digital media

year in review supporting

Visual Arts at Esplanade

Working with both established and emerging artists in Singapore and the region



Creating work as a collective, through the ephemeral language of light, sound and space.

#THEATRE by INDEX is a site-specific conversation with the Esplanade Theatre which used light, sound and space to engage in an intimate dialogue with the theatre, unravelling the stories embedded within the space. Created as a poignant response to the closure of performing spaces in 2020, this marked the start of The Studios season in January 2021.

The design collective INDEX is made up of lighting designer Lim Woan Wen, spatial practitioner Lim Wei Ling and sound artist Darren Ng. For the collective, it was about attempting to reveal the space (the Esplanade Theatre) as what it is. “#THEATRE is a work that engages the Esplanade Theatre as a physical room that stands on its own, and as such, it is distinctly driven by the space...

The design collective INDEX is made up of lighting designer Lim Woan Wen, spatial practitioner Lim Wei Ling and sound artist Darren Ng. For the collective, it was about attempting to reveal the space (the Esplanade Theatre) as what it is. “#THEATRE is a work that engages the Esplanade Theatre as a physical room that stands on its own, and as such, it is distinctly driven by the space itself. To an extent, it is not that different from other more traditional theatre work, as the space can be considered a ‘script’ that we anchor our artistic choices around. Instead of falling back on say, a piece of text, a directorial vision, or the constructed world of a performance, our focus is keenly on the space,” they said in a statement.

The work was first conceived seven years ago, shortly after INDEX completed their very first work IN:dex, presented at the Esplanade Theatre Studio as part of the RAW platform at The Studios 2013.

The 2,000 seat Esplanade Theatre is the biggest venue they have worked with as INDEX. While it was not an unexpected challenge, the scale of the venue did pose some complications which were ultimately resolved with the help of Esplanade’s Technical Production team. The collective said, “In a small-scale venue we may be more inclined to zoom in on the micro and to excavate and expand on finer details, whereas the Esplanade Theatre presented us an overwhelming amount of material to start with—there was definitely a lot more to take in and distil from.”

The end result was a meditative love letter to the theatre which has been a personal space for each of them and their craft. During the process, they spent ample time fully exploring the space and learning about it. “Through the work, we came to appreciate the Esplanade Theatre as truly the grande dame of proscenium theatres in Singapore. On top of its size, scale and richness in details, she emanates a really strong, imposing character and she managed to hit us in the gut with her presence, nearly every time,” they added.

Find out more about the three award-winning artists of INDEX as they share the inspiration behind #THEATRE, their process for developing this site-specific work and their approach to working as a collective in a dialogue moderated by playwright-director Chong Tze Chien here.