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Quiz time! How many singing styles do you know?

Watch the videos and see if you can match the definitions to their respective names. Check them out at Voices – A Festival of Song


Published: 23 Nov 2018

Time taken : <5mins

Your Voices – A Festival of Song cheat sheet is here.

Are you a bona fide king of the mic or the unsung hero of the showerhead? Whatever you are or your musical inclinations, the love of singing is encoded in our DNA.

Singing is great because it relieves stress and gives us a moment of happiness and release—or maybe we just love to hear ourselves. Moreover, when we sing with friends, the cumulative endorphins produced by our bodies makes it twice as fun. At your next karaoke session, try changing it up a little with a different style.

If you're wondering how many singing styles there are out there and what you can try out, Voices showcases at least 10 ways to carry a tune. But first, let's find out how much you know about singing.

Test yourself and see how many of these styles featured at this year's festival you know, by watching the videos below and matching the definitions to their respective names.

Learn how they sound, then check them out from 7–9 Dec 2018 and expand your singing vocabulary. Mark your calendar and BYOV (bring your own voice)!

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