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Making A Scene: Toying with Histories

Sharon Au, Nelson Chia and Goh Boon Teck talk theatre


Published: 3 Jan 2020

Time taken : >15mins

For people like us in the past, where we don't really have a proper family at home, [the] stage and theatre group was like the only family we knew, where we were able to be very raw and express all our deepest feelings.

Sharon Au

7 sages

Sharon Au, Goh Boon Teck and Nelson Chia on the day of their first rehearsal for <i>7 Sages of the Bamboo Grove </i>

In 1991, an ambitious director made his full-length debut with an adaptation of the opera classic Madame Butterfly. Two years later, a young officer in the Singapore Navy unintentionally landed his first acting gig while accompanying his sister for an audition. In 1995, a flight attendant from Singapore Airlines took a leap of faith by auditioning for a musical. Their paths continue to cross in the years that followed, finally reuniting onstage in 2020, more than two decades after their first ventures into theatre. Moderated by journalist Hong Xinyi, actors Sharon Au, Nelson Chia and Toy Factory Productions’ artistic director Goh Boon Teck discuss their shared histories, inspirations in art-making and the process of adapting history for the stage.

Esplanade Presents | Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts

[Screening] 7 Sages of the Bamboo Grove

Watch a riveting theatre work about freedom, humanity and the arts, set in a dystopian surveillance state, first presented at Huayi in 2020. Watch for free or pay for a ticket if you can. Proceeds from ticket sales go to Toy Factory Productions, the arts group featured in this production. 

24 – 31 May 2020
Free or pay for a ticket
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