A Singapore theatre practitioner who was highly regarded and well-loved for her acting and singing.
Published: 12 Oct 2016
Time taken : >15mins
100 Inspiring Rafflesians, 2007
Emma Yong was a Singapore theatre practitioner who was highly regarded and well-loved for her acting and singing. Best-known for a part of the Dim Sum Dollies musical cabaret trio, Emma devoted her life to the performing arts and rose to become a prominent theatre practitioner and personality in the arts in Singapore. The bilingual stage, television and film actress acted in lead roles in over 60 English and Chinese-language productions, and received the Best Supporting Actress award at the Life! Theatre Awards in 2006 for her performance in the Chinese-language musical Shanghai Blues.
Born in 1975 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Emma Yong grew up the youngest of three sisters in Singapore. Her elder sisters both became doctors, but Emma developed into one of Singapore's most prominent arts personalities known for her passion and talent for acting and singing.
A six-year-old Emma had her first encounter with the arts when she accompanied one of her sisters to ballet classes. She went on to study at Nanyang Primary School and then at Raffles Girls' School where she discovered her love for singing, joining the school choir and performing in the school's annual musicals. She got an early affirmation of her talent in the first year of her secondary education when she came in first in the solo section of her school’s Festival of Music.
Emma continued singing at Raffles Junior College, coming in second in a school Talentime in 1992. She also discovered her passion for film and literature, becoming the president of the Film Society while she studied in Raffles Junior College and eventually receiving the Angus Ross Prize for topping the A Level English examinations among 7,000 non-British international candidates. Emma seriously considered becoming a writer during this period but it was also then when she began pursuing her interest in theatre outside of school.
Her first experience of theatre was in the underground bunkers at Fort Canning, which was the venue of a production by theatre director Ong Keng Sen about the Japanese occupation. The 19-year-old then began going for auditions while studying for her A Level examinations, and got her first role in Michael Chiang's Heaven II. She also landed a role in the chorus and as the understudy to the lead in the musical Bugis Street. It was then that Emma realised her true calling as a stage performer. She next went on to act in theatre and film director Glen Goei's musical Kampung Amber, which was based on a book by the Catherine Lim and featured music and lyrics by Dick Lee.
In 1994, she started attending University College London in the UK. While she pursued her degree in English, Emma continued acting in productions back home in Singapore, frequently shuttling between the two countries—her precarious juggling between her studies and her passion meant that she once arrived back in the UK on the day of her examinations. During this period, Emma deferred her university studies for a year so that she could act in the musical Mortal Sins in Singapore.
Completing her university studies, Emma returned to Singapore and dove into acting wholeheartedly. In 2000, she returned to the UK for a year to improve her skills by pursuing postgraduate studies in musical theatre at the Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts in London. She returned to Singapore after that, foregoing a theatre career in London where she felt she would be typecast.
Over her two-decade-plus career in the arts, Emma performed lead roles in over 60 stage productions, proving herself to be a natural and versatile actress who excelled in both serious and comedic roles. She performed the lead role of Yenehara in Singapore Repertory Theatre's musical Forbidden City: Portrait of an Empress. She also performed as Titania in Singapore Repertory Theatre's Shakespeare in the Park production of A Midsummer Night's Dream at Fort Canning, which was Emma's favourite Singapore historical spot. The bilingual actress also acted in Chinese-language productions such as Mad Phoenix by Toy Factory and Moving Gods by Theatre Practice. In 2005, Emma—by then well-known for her vocal prowess—held a solo concert From Bjork to Broadway in the Esplanade Recital Studio.
In 2006, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress in the Life! Theatre Awards for her performance in Singapore Repertory Theatre’s A Twist of Fate. Two years later, she received the Best Supporting Actress award for her performance in the Chinese-language musical Shanghai Blues by Toy Factory.
Emma is perhaps best known and remembered for being part of the Dim Sum Dollies musical cabaret trio together with fellow theatre practitioners Selena Tan and Pam Oei. In her ten-year journey with the Dim Sum Dollies, they starred in five of their own productions and appeared in character in other Singapore productions as well. Outside of the regular theatre circuit, the Dim Sum Dollies also performed at the World AIDS Day concert in 2008 at Fort Canning Park and were also ambassadors for a Land Transport Authority campaign promoting graciousness on public transport.
Besides her theatre work, Emma also acted on television in programmes such as First Touch, Family Matters and the The Second Singapore Short Story Project. She also acted in the Chinese-language drama series S.N.A.G. She also starred as lead actress in W!ld Rice’s associate artistic director Glen Geoi’s 2009 film The Blue Mansion, which went on to be shown at film festivals in Pusan, South Korea and Tokyo, Japan.
In Jan 2011, Emma was diagnosed with stomach cancer, which caused her to withdraw from the production Closer and the musical 881. She underwent chemotherapy and the cancer was put into remission. She returned to the stage, appearing in the musical Into the Woods. However, she suffered a relapse in September the same year, forcing her to pull out of Dream Academy Production’s annual Christmas production Crazy Christmas.
In May 2012, Emma Yong passed away at the age of 37.
Shortly after her death, The Emma Yong Fund was set up by Emma's close friends, including fellow theatre practitioner Selena Tan. This was an initiative that was borne out of Emma's hope that there would be a way to help theatre practitioners in times of need, as she herself had to cope with large medical bills due to her lack of medical insurance. The Fund was set up in aid of theatre practitioners with critical illnesses, and also to build awareness among the Singapore theatre community on medical finance.
On June 15 2012, Emma's fellow theatre practitioners held the We Heart Emma memorial concert at the Esplanade Concert Hall in remembrance of their friend, with all proceeds from the concert going to The Emma Yong Fund. The concert raised $275,500 with a further $71,000 raised through an online donation portal at www.emmayongfund.org.
In a year since her death, the fund managed to raise more than $400,000, along the way helping one theatre practitioner who was diagnosed with cancer.
Known for her intensity and quest for perfection in every role she took on, Emma is remembered as a fiercely passionate bright spark who lit up the Singapore theatre stage with her talent and her charm, and as one of the most well-known and beloved theatre stars on the island.
Glen Goei said, "Her talent and commitment to her art were extraordinary. Her courage, in all her endeavours and in her final battle, is an inspiration for all of us. Emma was a bright shooting star that blazed across our lives. Her time with us was brief but oh, she gave a lovely light."
Profile images courtesy of Dream Academy Productions and Tan Ngiap Heng.
Born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Moved to Singapore with family shortly after.
Attended Nanyang Primary School.
Attended Raffles Girls' School.
Attended Raffles Junior College.
Received Angus Ross Award, for best performing non-British candidate for A Level English Literature.
Actor, Bugis Street – The Musical, Toy Factory.
Actor, Heaven II in A Night Out with Michael Chiang, TheatreWorks, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Kampong Amber, Singapore Festival of Arts, Kallang Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 3, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, The Durian Man & His Daughters, triple bill presentation of Desmond Sim's plays Drunken Prawns & Other Edible Delights, ACTION Theatre, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, Six Lonely Oysters, ACTION Theatre, DBS Auditorium, Singapore.
Attended University College London, UK. Deferred for a year in 1995 to act in Mortal Sins. Graduated with BA in English.
Actor, musical Mortal Sins, TheatreWorks, Kallang Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Playing Mothers, ACTION Theatre, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, Lizard In The Loo in Freshly Squeezed, a presentation of four winning plays from Hewlett Packard–ACTION Theatre 10-minute Playwriting Contest and two plays by David Henry Hwang and Anna Li, ACTION Theatre, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, Confessions of Three Unmarried Women, ACTION Theatre, Chijmes Hall, Singapore.
Actor, Ka-Ra-you-OK?, ACTION Theatre, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, Mail Order Brides & Other Oriental Take-Aways, ACTION Theatre, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Hot Pants!, World Trade Centre Auditorium, Singapore.
Actor, Beauty World, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, The Crucible, Dramaplus Arts, SICEC Auditorium, Suntec City, Singapore.
Actor, Fiddler on the Roof, Singapore Lyric theatre, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, 《仲夏夜之夢》A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Theatre Practice, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Guys & Dolls, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, DBS Auditorium, Singapore.
Actor, Lovepuke, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, musical I Have a Date With Spring, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Storm, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, The Swimming Instructor, ACTION Theatre.
Attended Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, London with postgraduate degree in Musical Theatre.
Actor, Viva Viagra!, ACTION Theatre, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, Plunge, ACTION Theatre, Second 42 Theatre Festival, 42 Waterloo Street, Singapore.
Performer, Celebrate Christmas at Chijmes with Selena & Friends, Chijmes Hall, Singapore.
Actor, Cabaret: A Single Woman, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre Studio, Singapore. The first appearance of the musical cabaret trio that would come to be known as The Dim Sum Dollies.
Actor, The Morning People, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Beautiful Thing, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Toy Factory Theatrette, Singapore.
Actor, musical Honk!, Singapore Repertory Theatre, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Boeing Boeing, Wild Rice Theatre Company, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, 《南海十三郎)》Mad Phoenix, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts, Esplanade Theatre Studio, Singapore.
Actor, 《移神记》, The Theatre Practice, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, Iron, ACTION Theatre, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, musical Cinderel-LAH!, Wild Rice Theatre Company, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, The Dim Sum Dollies in Steaming!, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, Balance: Space. Time. Movement., TheatreWorks, The Black Box, Fort Canning Centre, Singapore.
Actor, David Henry Hwang double-bill The Sound of a Voice & The House of Sleeping Beauties, DBS Arts Centre, Singapore.
Actor, The Odd Couple, Singapore Repertory Theatre, DBS Arts Centre, Singapore.
Actor, The Revenge of The Dim Sum Dollies!, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Aladdin!, Wild Rice Theatre Company, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, musical The Admiral’s Odyssey, ACTION Theatre, Jubilee Hall, Raffles Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, Dim Sum Dollies!: Singapore’s Most Wanted, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Performer, Rice Ball 2003: Red, White and Wild, Wild Rice Theatre Company, Island Ballroom, Shangri-La Hotel, Singapore.
Actor, A Twist of Fate, Singapore Repertory Theatre, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Army Daze, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Performer, solo concert From Bjork to Broadway, Eslanade Recital Studio, Singapore.
Actor, Cabaret, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Little Shop of Horrors, Dream Academy Productions, Victoria Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, musical A Man of Letters, University Cultural Centre, National University of Singapore.
Actor, Dim Sum Dollies: The History of Singapore, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Actress, Singapore Repertory Theatre’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Shakespeare in the Park, Fort Canning, Singapore.
Actor, musical Shanghai Blues, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Huayi – Chinese Festival of Arts, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Fronted anti-trafficking campaign Women Make A Difference as part of The Dim Sum Dollies.
Received Best Supporting Actress Award for Shanghai Blues, Life! Theatre Awards, Singapore.
Actor, film The Blue Mansion, directed by Glen Goei.
Actor, The Crab Flower Club, Toy Factory Theatre Ensemble, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Beauty & The Beast, Wild Rice Theatre Company, Drama Centre, Singapore.
Actor, SING DOLLAR! The Musical Comedy About Money, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Actor, Blackbird, Singapore Repertory Theatre, DBS Arts Centre, Singapore.
Actor, musical Into the Woods, Dream Academy Productions, Esplanade Theatre, Singapore.
Passed away at age 37 in Singapore from stomach cancer.
The Emma Yong Fund established to give aid to Singapore theatre practitioners suffering from critical illnesses.
We Heart Emma memorial concert held at Esplanade Concert Hall. Proceeds from concert contributed to The Emma Yong Fund.
TributeSG celebrates the arts community’s most senior members, and those who have made a lifetime of contribution to the arts. These artists, administrators, educators, patrons, and champions include many Singapore arts pioneers who laid the foundations of the vibrant arts and cultural scene we enjoy today. The many profiles in TributeSG let us into the minds and worlds of these pioneers, and help us understand our shared arts heritage. When we revisit their works and rediscover their journeys, we learn where we came from and how we came to be. Collectively, their stories tell the tale of the making of a nation’s artistic identity.
In putting together this collection, the TributeSG team consulted an external advisory panel, consisting of Arun Mahiznan, Choo Thiam Siew, J. P. Nathan, K. K. Seet, Kwok Kian Chow, and Iskandar Ismail. Those selected to be profiled in TributeSG met one of the following criteria: they were at least 60 years of age as of 12 Oct 2016, or deceased, or had received national recognition in the form of the Cultural Medallion. This journey of arts archival officially came to a close on 12 Oct 2016, after four years of extensive research, interviews and collation of information graciously provided by the TributeSG pioneers, their families and peers. TributeSG also benefited from enthusiastic help from like-minded friends and organisations who supported Esplanade’s cause—to remember, honour and celebrate Singapore’s arts pioneers.